- The Washington Times - Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A majority of Americans disapprove of presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s response to the terrorist attack in Orlando, compared to more positive reviews for President Obama’s response and a split for presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s, according to a poll released Wednesday.

Fifty-one percent disapproved of Mr. Trump’s response, compared to 25 percent who said they approve, according to the CBS News poll.

Forty-four percent said they approve of Mr. Obama’s response, compared to 34 percent who said they disapprove. And 36 percent said they approve of Mrs. Clinton’s response, compared to 34 percent who said they disapprove.

During a speech in New Hampshire on Monday, Mr. Trump called for a pause on immigration from terrorist hotbeds, and both Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton have criticized his previous call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States.

By a 2-to-1 margin, 62 percent to 31 percent, Americans said the U.S. should not temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country.

A majority of Americans — 57 percent — also said the Orlando attack was both an act of terrorism and a hate crime against gays and lesbians. The shooting that claimed the lives of 49 people and wounded more than 50 others took place at a gay nightclub.

The gunman, Omar Mateen, had drawn scrutiny from the FBI in recent years, but he was ultimately removed from a watch list. Americans were split at 42 percent piece on whether U.S. intelligence agencies could have prevented the Orlando attack.

One-third — 33 percent — said a terror attack in the U.S. in the next few months is “very” likely. That’s lower than the 44 percent who said an attack was very likely after San Bernardino in December but higher than the 28 percent who said so after the Paris attacks in November.

Eighty percent said they’re at least somewhat concerned about a terrorist attack by people already in the U.S. Mateen was born in New York to immigrants from Afghanistan. Fifty-one percent said they are “very” concerned about such a homegrown attack.

Many Democrats are now trying to push new gun controls in the wake of Orlando, and 57 percent said laws covering gun sales should be made more strict — in line with numbers from earlier this year.

Fifty-seven percent now favor a nationwide assault weapons ban — up from 44 percent in December.

• David Sherfinski can be reached at dsherfinski@washingtontimes.com.

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