- Tuesday, July 5, 2016

So there you have it.  We now know the results of the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email practices while secretary of State: No charges even though the FBI director himself said she was extremely negligent with classified information, including special compartmental access information, and there is a high likelihood foreign entities accessed this data.  

As a former military officer who once possessed a Top Secret Special Compartmented Information clearance, I can tell you the response of the FBI is shocking.  If I had negligently taken TS SCI information out of secure environment and opened it up to possibility of theft by a foreign adversary, I can guarantee you I would have been thrown in jail for years.  

The Obama administration simply let Hillary Clinton off the hook for criminal behavior.  They did this because they are criminal themselves, through and through.  

Today I realized that the America I knew is no more.  It is gone. It has been stolen, corrupted by the largest organized crime syndicate ever known to man, the Democratic Party.  

President Obama has used agencies of the federal government to attack and suppress the political opposition.  He has used the Department of Justice to go after adversaries.  Now we have a criminal gang openly flouting the legal system, backed by a corrupt, cheerleading media.  An elite oligarchy is in charge, that is above the law and has destroyed trust in our rule of law.  We are no better than Vladimir Putin’s Russia, where this type of thing is commonplace, where freedom and democracy are only a sham, to be trotted out for pictures.  This is no less threatening than the South seceding from the Union.  This is sedition.

This cannot stand.  

In the late 18th century, we fought a revolution over much worse—a tax on tea, taxation without representation.  This is no longer about partisan politics.  This is no longer about conservatism.  This is about what is right and wrong.  This is about freedom.  This is about the entire notion of America itself.   

America is dying.  

All of you so-called, self-righteous conservatives out there who are saying never Trump.  You had better get your heads out of your backsides.  So-called “conservatives” have allowed this to happen over the last two decades.  They have expanded government and entitlements, and turned our education system over to Washington.  If Hillary Clinton is elected president, we will no longer have a country.  We will have a totalitarian oligarchy.

This can no longer be fixed by the system.  This can only be fixed by the American people themselves.  We fought a revolution for less.  

Rome is burning.

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