- Friday, July 29, 2016

While driving this morning, I heard NPR’s Terry Gross pull out an archived (2004) “Fresh Air” interview she did with Tim LaHaye, who died this week.

Christians don’t have to agree with every line of LaHaye’s end-times theology in order to admire—and I mean, greatly admire—LaHaye’s willingness to share the Gospel winsomely, with simplicity and boldness, as he spoke to a “public square” audience.

I often think my generation has over-thought the entire “be winsome and truthful” equation to the point that we’re either confused in our approach…or just downright lacking in boldness.

Take a few minutes to listen to LaHaye answer Gross, and ask, “Is it really more complex than that?”

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17 ESV).

Just speak the words.

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