- Thursday, July 28, 2016

During this election cycle, Donald Trump made an issue of Sen. Ted Cruz’s “natural-born” status, but few even considered the reason our Founders put those words into the Constitution. Our Founding Fathers feared that an agent of a foreign government could be elected president and not have the interests of the United States as their first and only priority.

No one has ever questioned Mr. Cruz’s loyalty to the United States or the Constitution. Now, with the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton email scandals, do we have two Manchurian candidates running for president, people who may not have the interests of the United States as their only priority? Donald Trump appealed to the Russian government to “find” those 30,000 emails and release them. This makes me wonder whether, if the Russians have all of Mrs. Clinton’s emails, they would keep them for blackmail purposes in the event Mrs. Clinton gets elected.

Then there is Donald Trump’s connection to Russia via his campaign manager Paul Manafort, who has ties to a former ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. If the DNC hack and the release of these documents was orchestrated by Russia to influence our election, all Americans should be extremely worried. There are laws prohibiting candidates from taking donations from foreign governments to influence the outcome of our elections.

Neither Mrs. Clinton nor Mr. Trump should be trusted with having the interests of the United States as their one and only priority.


Newport News, Va

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