- The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 26, 2016

PHILADELPHIA — Sen. Bernard Sanders did what he needed to do in his speech at the Democratic National Convention Monday evening — even as Mr. Sanders’ supporters are still “kind of emotional” about things, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman said Tuesday.

“Look, there’s a lot of passion in that room. These people have been fighting for a very long time for him,” Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said on “CBS This Morning.” “I’ve worked for insurgent candidates. I know what that feels like.”

“Right now, I think they’re kind of emotional about it. I think they thought they fought the good cause, but Hillary Clinton won the nomination fair and square, and tonight is an historic night because we will nominate the first woman to lead a major-party ticket,” he said.

Mr. Sanders gave a full-throated endorsement of Mrs. Clinton Monday, saying the choice between the former secretary of state and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is not close.

“People watching television last night — what’d they see?” Mr. Podesta said. “They saw that full-throated endorsement by Bernie, amazing speech by Cory Booker, Michelle Obama.”

“I think there are people who are, as Sarah said, ’Bernie or bust’ people, but I think that’s a very small percentage of his supporters,” Mr. Podesta said.

Mr. Podesta had referred to comedian Sarah Silverman earlier in the interview as well.

Ms. Silverman, who had been a Sanders supporter, announced to the crowd inside the Wells Fargo Center Monday evening that she will vote for Mrs. Clinton “with gusto.”

“Can I just say, to the Bernie or bust people — you’re being ridiculous,” she also said.

“And again, these are his most passionate people, the people who have organized for him for such a long time,” Mr. Podesta said.

“I think around the country, they look at the difference between electing Donald Trump, putting his finger on the button, putting him in the Oval Office, and the progressive change that Hillary Clinton can bring forward, and I think they’ll support Hillary,” he said.

• David Sherfinski can be reached at dsherfinski@washingtontimes.com.

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