- The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 26, 2016

There were 61 speakers at the Democratic Convention Monday in Philadelphia and not one mentioned the threat of the Islamic State terror group.

This came as a priest was killed in his church, while celebrating morning Mass, in France. His throat was split by two men armed with knives that took five hostages — the priest, two nuns, and two worshippers — hostage in their own chapel. The attackers claimed to be from the Islamic State, also known as ISIS.

On Sunday, a 21-year-old refugee from Syria killed a woman with a machete in Germany — the country’s second major act of violence by an asylum seeker in a week. The Monday prior, a 17-year-old refugee from Afghanistan, armed with an ax and a knife, chopped through and injured four people on a train. On Friday, an Iranian-German opened fire in Munich, killing nine innocents shopping in a mall.

At the memorial for those slain after the mall attack, video footage emerged of individuals claiming to be supporters of ISIS confronting mourning Germans at a shrine to the victims of Friday’s shooting, calling out “Allahu Akbar,” according to reports and video obtained by Breitbart News.

Let’s not forget the barreling truck running over and killing pedestrians celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France — the seventh terror attack in that country in 18 months.

Nearly every week this summer, there has been an ISIS attack occurring in a Western country.

We’re at war folks — whether Democrats want to admit it or not. GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump got blasted by the mainstream press and pundits for being too dark in his closing speech at the Republican National Convention — but he’s depicting a reality that Democrats don’t seem to want to face.

Secretary of State John Kerry said in a speech in Vienna on Friday that air-conditioners are as big a threat to human survival as is terror groups like ISIS. He was negotiating a global climate deal to phase out chemicals used as refrigerants in basic household and commercial appliances such as air-conditioners.

“Yesterday, I met in Washington with 45 nations — defense ministers and foreign ministers — as we were working together on the challenge of [the Islamic State], and terrorism,” Mr. Kerry said. “It’s hard for some people to grasp it, but what we — you — are doing here right now is of equal importance because it has the ability to literally save life on the planet itself.”


One of ISIS’ leaders was quoted in the Atlantic saying in 2013 that the group’s “goal is to establish an Islamic state that doesn’t recognize borders, on the Prophetic methodology.”

That’s right — they want to take over the Western World. That’s their goal.

To ignore that these radical Islamic terrorists, who believe Western culture needs to fundamentally change to abide by Sharia law, is to live in a fairy-tale land. Yes, we really are at war. Just because we’ve had relatively few (but way too many) attacks on our homeland doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.

“It is extraordinary to think that yesterday in Philadelphia 61 speakers came to the podium and not one of them named ISIS by name,” Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, and vice presidential candidate, said on Tuesday at a rally with Mr. Trump. “[Mr. Trump] will name our enemies without apology, and he will defeat them.”


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