- Monday, July 25, 2016

The wall, the wall, the wall. If you listen to Donald Trump’s double-talk on Muslims, immigration and more you will realize how far off the wall he is.

I have never before heard anyone rant, rave and rage about current events and yet say so little. Mr. Trump’s newfound lackeys (Sen. Marco Rubio, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich et al) can’t do anything to enhance Mr. Trump’s ’stature’ in this presidential race. How can anyone support this shallow, inarticulate imbecile? Both party candidates leave a lot to be desired and at this point a write-in vote seems mighty tempting.

In his nomination-acceptance speech Mr. Trump promised to solve this nation’s ills — fast. If he accomplishes one-tenth of his promises, I would apologize for doubting his ability to lead. This, of course is predicated on his becoming president.


Mooresville, N.C.

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