- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 21, 2016

Rep. Peter T. King said Thursday that Americans saw the “essence” of Sen. Ted Cruz when he refused to endorse Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump at the convention.

“That was the essence of Ted Cruz — narcissistic and self-centered,” said Mr. King, a New York Republican, told MSNBC. “This is the Ted Cruz I have known You can’t trust him. He is a fraud. So whatever he did. All of America now sees what Ted Cruz is all about.”

Mr. Cruz ignited a political firestorm Wednesday when he gave a convention speech and rather than endorsing Mr. Trump urged people to “vote your conscience,” which nearly got him booed off stage.

“He has no friends anywhere. After last night, he lost most of the delegates. Even people who had been Cruz supporters are talking about it today, about how disappointed they are,” said Mr. King.

Mr. King has feuded with Mr. Cruz since the Texas senator helped force the 2013 government shutdown over Obamacare.

During the primary, Mr. Cruz pledged to endorse the eventual nominee. He further explained his decision not to endorse Thursday, telling the Texas delegation that he couldn’t forgive attacks on his wife and father by Mr. Trump.

“If that was the case he should have stayed home,” Mr. King said. “This was Donald Trump’s convention. He didn’t have to invite Ted Cruz. So once Ted Cruz showed up, to me, there is an obligation. If you are a decent person, there is an obligation to endorse the person who invited you.”

• S.A. Miller can be reached at smiller@washingtontimes.com.

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