- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 21, 2016

“Mount Vernon. Monticello. Wareham Place? If Donald Trump wins the presidency in November, his modest boyhood home in Jamaica Estates in Queens, New York arguably could attain something approaching the status of George Washington’s or Thomas Jefferson’s historic residences,” notes an analysis in MarketWatch.

The former roost of the Republican presidential nominee is now up for sale. Indeed, Mr. Trump grew up at 1815 Wareham Place, a 2,000-square-foot Tudor-style home built in 1940. There’s a finished basement, a screened-in porch, but it’s a far cry from the 24-karat, gold-plated fixtures found in Trump Towers. The home is priced at $1.6 million — about $700,000 more than what typical homes in the neighborhood are worth.

“If the 70-year-old real-estate developer becomes the nation’s 45th president in November, the home could have a lot more cachet. And it appears the selling agent is counting on such a Trump-like premium,” Marketwatch noted.

Boyhood homes are destinations for many. The National Park Service currently either oversees or promotes the former domiciles and significant personal sites of 43 presidents. The federal agency has crafted an entire national itinerary for those, in the words of presidential historian Richard Norton Smith, who “want to experience the presidency, to live vicariously for an hour or two in the shoes of a commander-in-chief.”


It’s that time of year again. The White House has announced when President Obama and his family are off for their annual summer sojourn to Martha’s Vineyard. This year, they depart the nation’s capital aboard the magnificent but pricey Air Force One on Aug. 6, to return Aug. 21. Should Mr. Obama vacation again on the island next summer, he will do so as a civilian.

And, on an unrelated matter, for those keeping count, he has 181 days left in office.

Meanwhile, things are buzzing up there in Massachusetts.

“Advance preparations are already well under way for the presidential visit. Secret Service and members of the national press corps have been booking rooms, and the Coast Guard and Martha’s Vineyard Airport are preparing,” reports the local Vineyard Gazette newspaper.

The locals are weighing in. “Looking forward to September already,” noted one Gazette reader.

“All the more reason not to vote for Hillary. Definitely do not want the Clintons coming back every year,” noted another.


Tired of the excruciating back and forth about what’s proper, polite and acceptable in these frantic times? Most Americans — 59 percent — say “too many people are easily offended these days over the language that others use,” says a new Pew Research Center poll that reveals “starkly divergent views” among the demographics. Seventy-eight percent of Republicans and 83 percent of those who support GOP nominee Donald Trump say people become offended too easily. Among Democrats, the number is 37 percent; among those who support Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, the number is 39 percent.

Should we all be more careful about offending people of different backgrounds? The poll found that 39 percent of Americans overall agree with that idea, including 21 percent of Republicans and 16 percent of the Trump fans. Among Democrats, 61 percent want more careful policing of language, along with 59 percent of the Clinton supporters.


Michael Needham, CEO of Heritage Action for America, the grass-roots arm of The Heritage Foundation, has advice for conservative: Speak up. Now is the time to clarify policy priorities for the newly minted GOP presidential nominee. Mr. Needham has spelled out a wish list for Donald Trump and the Grand Old Party itself, released as the Republican National Convention raged this week. Curious? Here it is:

“Eliminate today’s federal tax code, and replace it with a new, fair, flat tax; free our children and grandchildren from the crushing national debt; reward hard work instead of no work; replace Obamacare with a market-driven, patient-centric reform and balance the federal budget by slashing the size of government,” the list states.

“Unleash the full potential of private enterprise by cutting regulations; stop illegal immigration by securing our borders and enforcing the laws; defend our nation against the scourge of radical Islamic terrorism; honor traditional marriage as the cornerstone of society; uphold the Constitution; believe in the power of we, the people.” Find the group at HeritageAction.com.


Classic craftsman-style home built in 1910 in Richmond, Indiana. Three bedrooms, three baths, 2,360 square feet. Original cherry wood interior includes beams, mantles and staircase. Beveled glass doors, grand fireplace, artisan accent tiles, formal living and dining rooms, study, den, sleeping porches, laundry chute. Two-story carriage house, two-car garage. Priced at $159,900 through Lingle.com; enter 10027091 in search function.


51 percent of Americans ages 18 to 29 years say they “oppose” capitalism; 42 percent support it.

45 percent use “neutral words” to describe capitalism; “money” was the most frequently cited term, followed by “I don’t know.”

27 percent use negative words to describe it; the most frequently cited word was “greed,” followed by “corrupt” and “control.”

15 percent use positive words; “free market” was the most frequently cited word, followed by “good” and “profit.”

Source: A Harvard University Institute of Politics poll of 1,000 Americans aged 18 to 29 conducted June 21 to July 3 and released Wednesday.

• Squawks and catcalls to jharper@washingtontimes.com

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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