- The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The speech Donald Trump supporters would like to hear from Texas Sen. Ted Cruz at Wednesday night’s Republican National Convention is not what they’re likely going to get.

Party disunity has been a theme throughout the Republican primary, with many establishment players and former Trump rivals refusing to endorse the man who won the GOP presidential contest — with more votes than any other contender. Instead, these rivals are plotting their 2020 presidential bids — their own political futures — ready to forfeit the next four years to Hillary Clinton.

As the National Review points out about Mr. Cruz’s anticipated speech: “… while Trump uses Cruz’s appearance to project a semblance of party unity, the Texas senator will do his part to underscore the deep divisions in the GOP on the eve of Trump’s coronation — and to suggest tacitly that he, not Trump, is the face of the party’s future.”

The article asserts that Mr. Cruz “would like for Trump to win the nomination and lose in November, making way for him to run again in 2020. And he will walk off the stage on Wednesday in the position to tell the GOP’s anti-Trump faction that he never endorsed the man they believe is destroying the party, while claiming to the party establishment that he was a team player.”

This sickens many of us who — after witnessing the ambush of our officers in blue, and fear another terror attack on our homeland — feel another four years with Democrats at the helm will spiral our nation out of control.

We aren’t ready to sacrifice two or more liberal Supreme Court justices being chosen to the court. We understand we’re losing the culture wars, and that the ultimate judiciary in the land is merely becoming a political machine which rubber-stamps the president’s left-wing agenda.

Under President Obama’s leadership, our national deficit has almost doubled — growing from $10 trillion when he took office to an estimated $19 trillion when he leaves. Mrs. Clinton’s campaign promises include more than $1 trillion in big-government spending.

Mrs. Clinton has pledged to expand Obamacare, even going as far as endorsing the idea of a single-payer system. Repealing the initiative — which conservatives have promised to do — will never happen with another four years with a liberal at the helm. The government program will simply have expanded too much, will become more entrenched in the national public daily lives.

The time to unify is now — behind the candidate our party has chosen. Mr. Trump may not be perfect, but he has delivered on his two promises to the more grassroots branch of the party, in that he picked a socially conservative vice president in Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, and in that he released a list of his Supreme Court picks, which were lauded in conservative circles.

Yes, anti-Trump forces may chose not to believe Mr. Trump will act in good faith, but there’s no reason to believe he won’t. They say he’s too risky — but I’m ready to take that risk. We know Mrs. Clinton’s record in public office — and what’s she’s been allowed to get away with. At least the GOP will have checks and balances for Mr. Trump.

Yet Mr. Cruz — and Ohio Gov. John Kasich for that matter — don’t seem to care, and are plotting their political future come 2020. Mr. Kasich is in open war with the Trump campaign and is moving around Cleveland refusing to endorse, yet meeting with the New Hampshire delegation and big GOP donors to evaluate a potential 2020 presidential run.

News flash: We don’t care about your political moves. You’re exemplifying the reason why the GOP base has gown wary of politicians, and the reason why the anti-establishment fervor has grown. You’re in it for yourselves and your own political future — the next four years be damned.

I refuse to give in — I’m going to fight for the future of our country and of my children. I don’t believe we have another four years to give. That’s why I’m voting Donald Trump.

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