- Sunday, July 17, 2016

Many Republicans and conservatives have one big thing in common these days: They don’t trust Donald Trump. In him they see a man who has been a Democrat and has supported liberals, including the Clintons, for years. It certainly is easy to see why people distrust him, particularly when he is so bombastic, insulting and demanding.

But Trump has said all along during this campaign that he is a changed man. In the past when he needed to get things done, he greased the palm of many a politician with campaign contributions. When he decided to run for president, however, his focus changed from what he needed to what the country and the people needed.

Many people can’t separate the two Trumps. They still see Trump as someone trying to get what he wants and they fail to see that everything he has brought up regarding national policy is to benefit the country and the people. None of his policies are designed to benefit him.

Trump’s goals now are totally different, but the establishment and media have mixed and mired his business past into everything he says. So Trump must prove himself with everything he does. The selection of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as running mate is the first decision he has made that shows he truly wants to “Make America Great Again.” His actions here have met his rhetoric. Pence is a trusted conservative, a pro-life, small-government Republican.

Will the political right and the conservative establishment gloss over this without giving it the recognition it deserves, or will they start to realize that their candidate truly will represent the Republican Party and all of middle America while making a difference? We shall see.



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