- Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s disdain for the political process parallels her contempt for the U.S. Constitution (“Donald Trump on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: ’Her mind is shot — resign,’” Web, July 13). In 2012, as the Egyptians were writing a new constitution, Justice Ginsburg counseled Egypt “to not look to the U.S. Constitution…” Justice Ginsburg opined that the constitutional documents of South Africa and the European Union were superior to ours.

Jurisprudential progressives such as Justice Ginsburg are distressingly devoid of constitutional anchorage and endeavor to circumvent the Constitution’s principles by melding Darwinian social sciences and case law to render preferred judgments.

Justice Ginsburg further decreed that logic, constitutional text and structure are not extremely imperative for guaranteeing rights. For that she surmised that the task is better accomplished by skillfully drafted document barriers and powerful judges. Of course, she would.


Half Moon Bay, Calif.

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