Rep. Edward R. Royce, California Republican and Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee

Our committee remains focused on the threat posed by the radical regime in Tehran. This is a threat you know all too well — stripping the rights of the Iranian people has been a consistent policy of this brutal regime since it seized power.

Over the past three and a half decades, thousands of Iranians have been taken from family and friends and convicted of vague charges without due process, often in closed trials. As we know, tens of thousands have been killed [and] thousands have been tortured in Evin prison. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Recent reports found that, under President Rouhani, the government of Iran has incarcerated hundreds of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience while executing nearly 1,000 people last year. That’s why my colleagues and I in Congress continue to press for sanctions on senior Iranian officials involved in these human rights abuses. Some of you also have family and friends who have been murdered or maimed by Iranian government proxies in Iraq for too long.

It is time to say enough, and that’s why the Foreign Affairs Committee passed House Resolution 650. This critical resolution publicly pushes back against the Iraqi government’s failure to effectively protect the residents of Camp Liberty and calls for their immediate resettlement. We must continue to push back against the Iranian government abuse of human rights at home and abroad, and I thank you.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ); Chairman, Armed Services Committee

SPECIAL COVERAGE: Onwards to freedom in Iran: Bipartisan voices call for democratic change

As you boldly call for democracy and human rights in Iran, the American people stand with you in your fight against violence, oppression and terrorism in Iran. Your display of unity is an inspiration to our nation and its people, who like you, sacrifice blood and treasure in pursuit of freedom.

Unfortunately, the nuclear agreement has not tempered Iran’s behavior nor has it improved human rights conditions in Iran. Instead, this dangerous agreement has empowered Iran to be more aggressive in its malign activities and hegemonic ambitions in the region, all while receiving tens of billions of dollars in sanctions relief…. We must do more to counter the dangerous threat that Iran’s actions pose. We must resolve to stop the spread of radical terrorism and we must stand united with our friends at this dangerous hour.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY); Chairman, Senate Democratic Policy Committee

To all of those gathered in Paris today attending this conference calling for a free and democratic Iran, I express my solidarity with you… The Iranian culture is an amalgam of traditions with ancient and unique roots. So many people in that nation are hardworking, well-educated, and family-oriented people. But for too long, the Iranian regime has not reflected the qualities and desires of its people… If only the Iranian people could be set free from the awful regime they have, they would be a beacon of strength not only in the Middle East and Central Asia, but to the whole world.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat

Greetings to the friends, supporters and advocates gathered for the 2016 Paris Rally for Democracy and Freedom in Iran. Freedom-loving people everywhere have a moral obligation to protect human rights. This international gathering honors that responsibility.

We must champion the building blocks of peace and prosperity and freedom of speech, religion and the press in Iran and around the world. I’m proud to say that my state of California is home to more than a half of all Iranian-Americans. Their energetic contributions make America more American.

Women, students and minorities all have a valuable role to play in moving Iran forward. Their persecution must end. This gathering is important to advancing the cause of human rights and freedom. The United States is committed to achieving progress in the international community in this respect, and the Iran Nuclear Agreement signals a new era of security and stability in the region and around the world.

Until the contributions of all Iranians are valued in Iran, we still have work to do. Thank you for your work and leadership, thank you for your service, and thank you for your commitment to democracy.

Sen. Robert Menendez, New Jersey Democrat

We come together to demand that the people in Camp Liberty live in safety and security — no longer the targets of terrorist acts…

I’m heartened that foreign governments, U.S. officials, UN representatives, and Iraqi leaders recognize the importance of the security of the people of Camp Liberty But, clearly, the danger is realWe were reminded of it again in the attacks on Camp Liberty on July 4th…

I call on Iraqi officials to do everything in their power to prevent further attacks… and be part of a safe, secure, rapid resettlement process. Let’s not forget the role the MEK leadership played in exposing the duplicity of the Tehran regime and the important work you are doing to raise awareness of Iran’s nuclear program

I intend to introduce legislation that will hold the regime accountable for its blatant support of terrorism We all know Iran’s leadership deliberately arms and trains Iraqi Shia militias to destabilize Iraq; they’re backing a dictator in Syria who drops barrel bombs on his own people; and they’re backing a rebel movement in Yemen that refuses to consider any political process that could end the civil strife.

The fact is Iran is interested in working with us only to the extent that it protects its interests in pursuing its hegemonic goals in the region.

Let us hope and pray that, inshallah — God willing — the work we are doing will improve the safety and security of the MEK members at Camp Liberty. For that, we stand in solidarity today.

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