- The Washington Times - Friday, July 1, 2016

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is reportedly releasing a memoir of his time as the bishop of Rome.

Benedict’s book, “The Last Conversations,” due Sept. 9, marks the first time a pope has been known to release a memoir of his papacy, Reuters reported Friday.

In the book, Benedict maintains that he wasn’t forced or pressured to resign but details his interaction with a “gay lobby” made up of four or five people who were seeking to influence the Vatican, Reuters reported, citing Italian-language daily paper Corriere della Sera.

Gay rights activists say many gay people have long worked for the Vatican and Church sources suspect some have made alliances for power and influence with the church, Reuters reported.

Most popes die in office and some have ordered their personal papers to be burned upon their death. Of course, such requests are not always honored, as when Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz ignored John Paul II’s wishes and published a book based on the Polish pontiff’s notes.

Benedict was the first pope to resign since Gregory XII, who did so on July 4, 1415.

• Ken Shepherd can be reached at kshepherd@washingtontimes.com.

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