- Thursday, January 7, 2016

Tuesday’s exhibition of President Obama’s crocodile tears during his TV appearance was a passionate plea for more gun-ownership restrictions (likley undertaken in order to lessen the odds of some wacko taking a pop shot at the president). Nothing compares to the carnage the current administration has created throughout the world thanks to Mr. Obama’s ineptness and failure to act appropriately as a world leader.

’Red lines’ not backed up, withdrawal from victories, the thinning out of our power base and the signaling to adversaries that we aren’t going to take action — all of this fosters more outcrops of terrorism and encourages sleeper cells within our borders. The plight of millions wandering the globe for safe havens and the loss of numerous lives are both products of Mr. Obama’s hesitations and inactions. Yet there are no tears shed for these people, because they pose no political gains for the current resident of the White House.

The solutions are not gun control or climate control. The problem is presidential executive orders control run amok.

Barack Obama is not a problem solver. He is the problem creater. Black markets thrive on restrictions, as does the thug population when good

people are deprived of the means to protect themselves. Similarly, rogue countries show their teeth when they sense our weak (or nonexistent) leadership.


Boca Raton, Fla.

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