- Wednesday, January 6, 2016

As reported last week, Evangelist Franklin Graham has made plans for a “Campaign for God” tour of all 50 state capitols. The events are nonpartisan and spiritual in focus, but Graham is encouraging conservative Christians to make it to the polls this election year.

Graham’s inaugural event was held Tuesday (Jan. 5) in Des Moines, Iowa. Of course, next month Iowa also becomes the first state in the nation to cast votes for party nominees for the 2016 Presidential election.

A large crowd gathered for the event in Des Moines. Graham wrote:

It was great to see so many Iowans brave the bitter cold to stand on the Capitol steps in Des Moines to pray for our nation today. America is being stripped of its religious heritage as secularists and progressives continue to attack the Biblical values our country was founded on. Together we prayed for the future of America; we confessed our sins and asked God to heal our land. 49 more states to go– come and join us!

New Hampshire is the next stop on the tour for Graham.

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