- Wednesday, January 6, 2016

In the Dec. 30, 2015, Washington Times front-page report “Planned Parenthood patients flee despite clinics’ lobbying,” Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards is quoted as saying, “Planned Parenthood’s resilient staff and clinicians are making a huge difference in the field of reproductive and sexual health and in the cultural landscape at large.”

Yes, the organization is making a huge difference, but it is for the worse. Planned Parenthood has demeaned God’s great gift of reproduction with its killing of the preborn, and it has corrupted rather than helped our culture. It tells teenagers they should have sex whenever they want while ignoring the consequences: sexually transmitted diseases, diminished interest in academics and pregnancy.

When a pregnancy occurs the group advises abortion, which carries with it the risks of sterility, breast cancer, preterm birth in subsequent pregnancies, a punctured uterus and other injuries, as well as increased disposition toward suicide, depression and drug abuse.

If a teen delivers her baby and becomes a single mom she and the baby have a higher risk of poverty, school dropouts, sex abuse, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, low-skill employment and repeating the cycle. More than 40 percent of births are to single mothers, with more than 70 percent of black babies — Planned Parenthood’s historic primary target for extinction — born to single mothers. Planned Parenthood is destroying the traditional family, which is the fundamental unit of our culture and society.

The organization has also corrupted our political system. Its has made slaves of Democrats and some Republicans. No matter how it violates the law (failing to report statutory rape, aborting the unborn babies of the victims, overcharging for Medicaid services and violating regulations by butchering baby bodies to sell organs), Democrats defend, praise and give millions to Planned Parenthood. With these taxpayer dollars the group can help fund Democratic politicians.

Elected officials ignoring the abortion Goliath’s violations of so many laws has led to an acceptance by the Obama administration of generally ignoring laws, notably those regarding immigration laws and health care.


Silver Spring

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