- Monday, January 4, 2016

In a statement reminiscent of the kicking of the Keystone Pipeline can down the road, where the administration ’studied’ the project for years before doing what everyone knew they were going to do and cancelled the pipeline, the White House says they are ’considering’ additional sanctions on Iran for recent ballistic missile tests which were against U.N. sanctions and against the spirit of the Iranian nuclear ’deal.’ The Associated Press reports the White House says they have more legal and diplomatic work to do before announcing any additional steps against the Shia Islamic State and major global sponsor of terrorism.

During a briefing with reporters, deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes, said Iran has no say on who the U.S. targets with sanctions designations. He says the U.S. expects protests from Iran, but adds that won’t affect the final decision.

Congress has been very critical of the administration’s refusal to timely react to flagrant violations of U.N. sanctions by Iran. Many suspect the White House will not do anything to stand in the way of what they see as President Obama’s foreign policy signature achievement, the Iran nuclear agreement with world power. Critics see the deal as appeasing Iran in its quest for nuclear weapons.

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