- Tuesday, January 26, 2016

This weekend, thousands marched on the Texas Capitol in celebration of life and in memory of the more than 50 million lives lost since the infamous Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. Just two days later, a Harris County grand jury tasked with investigating wrong-doing by Planned Parenthood shocked the nation by instead indicting the messenger.

Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden and colleague Sandra Merritt were indicted this week on a felony charge of tampering with a governmental record — namely using false drivers’ licenses to infiltrate the organization. Also, Mr. Daleiden received a separate misdemeanor indictment related to the: “prohibition of the purchase and sale of human organs,” according to Harris County DA Devon Anderson.

In a statement, a Planned Parenthood spokesman said: “As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it’s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud…”

That’s ironic — one might say the same thing about Planned Parenthood itself.

As the largest abortion provider in the nation, this “charity” receives $500 million a year in federal funding. The Houston facility — Planned Parenthood of the Gulf Coast — is a $26 million, 78,000 sq. ft. center and is the largest of its kind in the nation.

The exposure of the Planned Parenthood videos has electrified the Pro-Life movement and has been seen by many as a potential game-changer. The callous and cavalier nature in which Planned Parenthood executives discuss the dismembering and selling of body parts has angered many on both sides of the aisle. (Who could ever forget the infamous “I want a Lamborghini” statement?)

After months of pushing back against the videos, last fall the organization announced a change in policy that would end financial benefit from aborted fetal tissue “donations.” Addressing the policy reversal, President Cecile Richards stated in a letter to the National Institutes of Health that the move was intended to “take away any basis for attacking Planned Parenthood to advance an anti-abortion political agenda.”

But ultimately, Planned Parenthood couldn’t directly deny the words, images or horrific attitudes presented on those videos. Hence when they filled a federal lawsuit in a San Francisco court last week against Daleiden and his group, it wasn’t for defamation. It was for … racketeering.

Despite their attempts at distraction, national outrage over their practices of the abortion giant still continue. No doubt these videos were in the minds of activists as they marched the streets of Texas, D.C., and all over the country on the 43rd anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision this weekend.

That abortion-as-birth-control has become the accepted norm has left a stain on the soul of this country. That a group would seek profit from the harvesting of aborted babies has ripped a searing black hole in our national conscience.

The ugly truths about Planned Parenthood have shocked those on both sides of the aisle equally. This is not a red-blue, Republican-Democrat issue. This is an issue about our nation having a moral compass. How long will we continue to allow America’s largest abortion provider — while operating as a charity — to take half a billion dollars of American’s money while allowing such heinous actions and attitudes by its employees?
This grand jury has sent a powerful message to other would-be undercover truth-seekers: You will be punished for your actions. Yesterday, Goliath won. But my generation will continue to produce an army of Davids to fight for the unborn. We will never forget that abortion has stopped more than 50 million hearts from beating, more than 50 million voices from ever being heard, since the Roe vs Wade decision in 1973.

For all of us born after that year, it is a sobering thought, indeed.

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