- The Washington Times - Sunday, January 17, 2016

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Sunday morning blasted the Obama administration’s handling of Iran in recent days, charging that the president has allowed the U.S. to be humiliated on the world stage.

Speaking on “Fox News Sunday” less than 24 hours after the U.S. lifted economic sanctions against Iran, the Texas senator said the nuclear deal with Iran sets a “dangerous precedent” and highlights how President Obama all too often is willing to negotiate with America’s enemies.

Mr. Cruz also said Iran captured and held 10 U.S. sailors last week because they knew the administration would do nothing about it.

“The only reason they were seized is because of the weakness of Barack Obama,” Mr. Cruz said of the sailors, who were released after 14 hours in custody. “Our enemies are laughing at us.”

Because of the Iran nuclear deal — which allows Iran to regain access to $100 billion in frozen assets in exchange for limits on Tehran’s atomic programs — Mr. Cruz said U.S. national security will suffer.

“This deal is a really problematic deal and it reflects a pattern we’ve seen in the Obama administration … of negotiating with terrorists and making deals and trades that endanger U.S. safety and security,” he said.

Mr. Cruz did, however, praise the fact that four Americans detained in Iran are coming home. They were released in exchange for seven Iranians held or charged in the U.S.

“Praise God the prisoners are coming home,” he said.

• Ben Wolfgang can be reached at bwolfgang@washingtontimes.com.

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