- Friday, January 15, 2016

(1) Donald Trump’s appeal to evangelicals is real, by David Brody (USA Today)

While evangelicals are not a monolithic group, poll after poll shows plenty of them gravitating Trump’s way. He’ll get a chance to sway more believers Monday when he visits Liberty University, the largest Christian university in the world, and again next month at Regent University, another leading Christian institution, where he’ll appear with founder Pat Robertson.

(2) NY Court: Business That Refused Lesbian Wedding Violated Law

A New York appeals court has ruled against the owners of a wedding venue who refused to host a lesbian wedding and were fined $13,000 for violating the state’s anti-discrimination law.

(3) Two Wheatons? Funny stuff that happens when Universities share names (AP)

The angry emails came in a flurry to the president’s office at Wheaton College, a small, picturesque campus near Boston. But they all shared one simple mistake. They were sent to the wrong Wheaton.

(4) Ted Cruz and David Brooks at the edge of an abyss, by Marvin Olasky

My column in the current issue of WORLD Magazine asks whether many Americans see ourselves in a moment like that of Britain in 1940, when appeasement policies had failed. Back then Clementine Churchill said her husband was the rare leader who possessed “the deadliness to fight Germany.” Ted Cruz has deadliness. Marco Rubio now tries to show deadliness as well. Donald Trump successfully mixes deadliness and clownishness. I’m with Brooks in not liking what he calls “edge of the abyss” talk. The problem is that we may be at the edge of the abyss.

(5) Anglican Communion Avoids Schism By Banning Pro-Gay U.S. Church for Three Years

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