- Friday, January 15, 2016

Donald Trump has developed an extremely effective way of dispatching would-be rivals. He tells a less than flattering story about the person. Sometimes he makes accusations head-on. Sometimes he does so more discreetly with hints and innuendo. He’s at his comic best when he pretends he’s doing it to help the person in question.

By an amazing coincidence, Mr. Trump’s allegations, concerns and innuendo all seem to come whenever a fellow candidate begins to gain on him in the polls. It doesn’t matter if his attacks are debunked. It doesn’t matter if most people recognize Mr. Trump’s comments aren’t true. He just keeps repeating the accusation over and over enough times to damage the opponent before moving on.

It may be time for some of his own medicine.

Is Donald Trump a white supremacist?

Goodness knows he’s taken shots at Latinos and at Muslims, but has the smoking gun of his true colors finally leaked out?

Is Donald Trump a white supremacist?

The American National Super PAC, which is organized and funded by the American Freedom Party, recently announced they have paid for “hundreds of thousands” of robo-calls boosting Donald Trump to Iowa voters ahead of the state’s Feb. 1 caucuses. That’s good for Mr. Trump isn’t it? A super PAC spending money so he doesn’t have to? Not exactly.

The American Freedom Party’s website welcomes you to its site with the following statement. “White Americans should elect a party that advocates for issues and concerns affecting (sic) European Americans.” That’s right, the American Freedom Party is a white supremacist group. It organized a super PAC and that PAC is spending its money pushing Donald Trump as its candidate. Mr. Trump promised he wouldn’t take any help from super PACs. Not only is he reneging on that promise, but he is getting a big push from one — and a white supremacist one at that.

Is Donald Trump a white supremacist?

Trump has not distanced himself from the group. He has not denounced the group nor their message. He’s reaping the benefit of robo-calls to a chunk of the Iowa electorate compliments of white supremacists and he doesn’t seem to have any issue with it at all.

Is Donald Trump a white supremacist?

Imagine the fun Mr. Trump would have with this if it were any of his rivals. He would raise the issue. He would brand the candidate a white supremacist. He would wonder why the other challenger hadn’t disavowed the group’s efforts and he would repeat the opponent’s name and the term “white supremacist” at least a dozen times a day. Perhaps it’s time for someone else to raise the question on the Donald — and raise it again, and again and again.

Is Donald Trump a white supremacist?

According to the way Mr. Trump plays the game, we should assume so until he can prove otherwise beyond the shadow of a doubt.

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