- The Washington Times - Thursday, January 14, 2016

Two intrepid Media Research Center analysts went through 13,022 news stories that appeared on ABC, NBC and CBS evening news broadcasts during 2015 — that’s 18,549 minutes of coverage — to determine what the Big Three broadcasters deigned to cover. “The results show a network news agenda heavy on crime, terrorism and weather, but light on Democratic scandals, ObamaCare’s failings, the out-of-control national debt, sanctuary cities and Planned Parenthood’s grotesqueries,” report Mike Ciandella and Rich Noyes.

During the entire year, the networks devoted 52 hours of coverage to crime, 39 hours to terrorism, 33 hours to weather, 32 hours to politics and another 32 hours to assorted accidents and disasters.

Here’s what the networks virtually ignored: Ongoing questions about Hillary Clinton’s “Benghazi scandal” got a whopping 46 minutes; shortcomings of Obamacare warranted 34 minutes; misconduct within the Clinton Foundation got 27 minutes; videos revealing Planned Parenthood trafficking fetal tissue 25 minutes; and negative outcomes in sanctuary cities 8 minutes. The $18 trillion national debt drew 4 minutes — and last but not least, IRS targeting of conservative groups got zero. None. No mention.

“The ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts failed to produce any coverage of the IRS scandal, even as the House committee investigating the matter introduced a resolution calling for the impeachment of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen for his alleged failure to comply with committee subpoenas and making false statements under oath,” the researchers say, adding that the networks did manage to produce 54 minutes of coverage about assault charges made against Bill Cosby, and 127 minutes on the “Deflate Gate” scandal surrounding New England Patriots’ quarterback Tom Brady.


“I’ll tell you what. I’ll meet you for a one on one, one-hour debate with a mutually agreed upon moderator on any network that will take it. No prescreened questions and no gas bag answers. Americans will judge for themselves who they trust and believe on this issue. You or the NRA? Let’s see if you’re game for a fair debate. It’s your chance to show the American people that you’re not afraid to meet the NRA on neutral ground.

SEE ALSO: Obama releases Guantanamo detainees determined to keep trying to kill Americans

— NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre’s open invitation to President Obama for a 60-minute dialogue about guns, gun rights and policy.


Relations between the mighty GOP establishment and the tenacious tea party may be icy. But Republican presidential hopefuls are still ready to strut their stuff in authentic grass-roots territory — the three-day South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach this weekend, where the theme is “Whom do we TRUST to lead this nation?” On hand: Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, Carly Fiorina and Rick Santorum — along with Sen. David Perdue and Reps. Mark Meadows and Jeff Duncan, plus 25 activists ranging from investigative videographer James O’Keefe to Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin.

The presidential hopefuls, says convention organizer Joe Dugan, “will be given adequate, uninterrupted speaking time to explain their policies and vision. This will give them a chance to convince voters that they can be trusted to lead this nation in it’s time of peril.”


The presidential hopefuls are restless. Gov. Chris Christie spends the weekend in Iowa with seven events scheduled, including a visit to the Blue Bunny Ice Cream Museum in Le Mars. Sen. Marco Rubio has 10 town halls around the state, Ben Carson three. Donald Trump breezes in for a jumbo rally at the Living History Farm in Urbandale, then whisks eastward for the aforementioned South Carolina tea party gathering, and a “No BS BBQ” in Portsmouth, New Hampshire with former U.S. Sen. Scott Brown.

SEE ALSO: Carly Fiorina lashes out at Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton in undercard Republican debate

Also in the Granite State: Sen. Rand Paul boasts four “Stand with Rand” town halls and a Patriots football game watch party in a sports bar. Jeb Bush stages three town halls, Carly Fiorina five, Gov. John Kasich two — including an event at the intriguing old Historic Balsams Resort in Dixville.

Democrats descend on South Carolina. Hillary Clinton, Sen. Bernard Sanders and Martin O’Malley will all attend the South Carolina Democratic Party’s “First in the South Dinner” in Charleston, followed by “Rep. Jim Clyburn’s World Famous Fish Fry” in the same town, same night. The trio assemble Sunday for the NBC News/YouTube Debate, hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus Institute, also in Charleston.

Three GOPers remain in the Palmetto State. Mr. Carson and Mr. Cruz each have five extra events through Monday. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has seven Huckabee Huddles — including one at the Applewood House of Pancakes in Pawley’s Island — where specialties include a four-egg shrimp omelet and pigs-in-the-blanket pancakes.


For sale: Queen Anne Victorian landmark mansion, built in 1887 in Monrovia, California. Four bedrooms, two baths, 2,426 square feet. Completely modernized, all original exterior and exterior details preserved, including stained glass windows, pocket doors, mahogany wainscoting, hardware, projecting bay windows, archways, wood flooring. Original fireplaces, era-appropriate paint, state-of-the-art gourmet kitchen and baths. Expansive backyard, intricate plantings, patio, gas barbecue. Priced at $875,000; information at 626WColorado.com


64 percent of Americans say office surveillance cameras to prevent theft are acceptable.

62 percent say doctor management of health records at a secure online site is acceptable.

47 percent say retail loyalty cards that save money but track shopping habits are acceptable.

37 percent say auto insurance discount offers that place monitoring devices in drivers’ cars are acceptable.

33 percent say free social media platforms that send them targeted advertising are acceptable.

27 percent say smart thermostats that track personal activities in the house are acceptable.

Source: A Pew Research Center survey of 461 U.S. adults plus 720 participants in nine focus groups conducted Jan. 27- Feb. 16, 2015 and released Thursday.

Complaints, polite applause to jharper@washingtontimes.com.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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