- Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Barack Obama is scheduled to deliver his final State of the Union address. The State of the Union Address long ago turned into political theater. Mr.  Obama announced there would be an empty chair at the address.

Most people would think Mr. Obama would not go near an empty chair after Clint Eastwood demolished him in 2012, using the old actor shtick, talking to an empty chair.

Mr. Obama is going to use the empty chair to symbolize gun victims. What he misses is the massive decline in homicides. But if Mr. Obama really wants to symbolize something, how about 14 empty chairs for the victims of the San Bernardino shooting by Islamic terrorists? No, Mr. Obama won’t do that because he cannot even utter the words “Islamic terror.”

On Monday, Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Jeff Session sent a letter to the Attorney General, the Secretary for Homeland Security and the Secretary of State asking for more information about 113 people who have now been implicated in Islamic terrorism, here in America, since 2013.

Mr. Cruz, in his letter, pointed out that at least 14 of those who had been implicated in terrorism were admitted to the United States as refugees.

Mr. Obama is going to have a Syrian refugee in the First Lady’s box. Mr. Obama wants to talk about the “poor” Syrian refugees. Mr. Obama calls them “widows and children.” “Terrorists” is a better name.

While Mr. Obama will talk about the Syrian “widows and children,” it is a very safe bet he won’t mention Tashfeen Malik. Malik was the jihadist bridge who helped murder 14 Americans. Odds are, he won’t mention what happened in Germany on New Year’s Eve.

In Cologne, on New Year’s Eve, a thousand of the so-called refugees that Obama wants to bring in to America, sexually assaulted hundreds of women celebrating the New Year. These men stole women’s cellphones, groped women and raped some of them.

There will be no empty chairs at the State of the Union for the women raped by these “refugees.” There will be empty chairs for those who will be the victims of terrorism, from the “refugees” Obama wants to bring in.

There will also be no empty chairs for the 94 million Americans who are out of the labor force. There will be no empty chairs for the millions of Americans who have lost their health insurance. There will be no empty chairs for the millions of Americans who have lost their jobs and cannot find new jobs in the Great Obama Depression.

And there will be no empty chair there for the millions of real Americans whose Second Amendment rights Mr. Obama wants to strip away.

Perhaps there should be three empty seats for the Secretary of State, Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General. Mr. Cruz and Sen. Jeff Sessions have repeatedly requested information they are entitled to as U.S. senators. The Obama Regime has refused to answer their requests.

In his letter to the Attorney General, Secretary of State and Secretary of Homeland Security, Mr. Cruz wrote, “The American people are entitled to information on the immigration history of terrorists seeking to harm them.”

The American people are entitled to that information and so is Mr. Cruz. But Mr. Cruz may not see that information until he becomes president.

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