- The Washington Times - Monday, February 29, 2016

The Trump congressional caucus grew again Monday as a Republican House member announced he had voted for the tycoon as president.

In a statement, Rep. Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee said he was supporting Donald Trump for president and had already cast his vote early in his state’s “Super Tuesday” primary.

“While there are certainly things that I admire and respect in each of the remaining candidates, I believe Donald Trump is the candidate best poised to make America great again. As such, I was proud to cast my vote for Mr. Trump and look forward to supporting the eventual Republican nominee whomever that might be,” he said.

Three other Capitol Hill Republicans — Reps. Duncan Hunter of California and Chris Collins of New York, and Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama — have endorsed Mr. Trump, all within the past week.

• Victor Morton can be reached at vmorton@washingtontimes.com.

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