- Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The art of the deal is all the rage this election season. Donald Trump has based all of his political aspirations on it. He roars from every podium on which he leans that the United States makes horrible deals. What we lack, he says, is the ability to win in the art of the deal. He claims that he will make amazing deals, the kind that will “make this country great again.” He even wrote a book on the topic.

Examining Mr. Trump’s past negotiations, however, tells a different story. Mr. Trump dealt his companies into four bankruptcies. He walked away richer than before, but everyone else involved paid the price. That’s not a deal; that is using the laws of the land to steal other people’s money. Was it legal? Yes. Does that mean we should make him president?

Mr. Trump’s ’dealings’ got him fired from his own reality TV show. They got his beauty pageant pulled from Univision. They have led, thus far, to two divorces for Mr. Trump. What great family values.

The only ’deal’ that seems to have worked for this clown has been his trading of millions of dollars to liberals and their causes for the opportunity to have the Clintons come to his third wedding. (Why would you would want the Clintons, especially Bill Clinton, at your wedding?)

Mr. Trump would pull off the same “amazing” deals as president. He has experience with bankrupting entities, destroying families and ruining other people’s lives.

At least Bozo the Clown was funny. “The Donald” is just a sad clown.



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