- Monday, February 22, 2016


I find it humorous that many of the Establishment factions of the Republican Party are besides themselves with apocalyptic visions of a Trump presidency. It reminds me of the GOP who tried to stop Ronald Reagan. Not that Donald Trump is a Reagan conservative you understand, but I do believe Mr. Trump has put his finger on the pulse of the existential threats to America that the Republican Establishment has refused to address since Reagan left office, and that my friends, is not conservative!

These threats are uncontrolled immigration, uncontrolled spending and sovereign debt, a culture of entitlement, and political correctness, in other words, cultural Marxism.

Of course Mr. Trump is not a true conservative in every sense of the word. He is not a great communicator. But, he is exactly what this country needs because he seems to be the only one who will deal with what is killing America. That is why he is blowing away the Establishment at the polls.

Uncontrolled illegal immigration is destroying job prospects for working America. The GOP has not cared and has even been willing to advance this agenda. Stopping uncontrolled illegal immigration will help American workers, period. Corporations say Americans will not do certain jobs. The truth is Americans will not do certain job for nothing. If the source of free labor is removed, then the labor market will set the correct price and I bet Americans will do the jobs if paid what a true market would bear.

Our national debt is a financial, electromagnetic pulse warhead hovering over the country, ready to go off and cripple America at any moment. Mr. Trump realizes this and will get the country’s finances under control once and for all. Many of Mr. Trump’s opponents will lose money and power. Their ox will be gored. That is why you hear all the wailing and gnashing of teeth in the GOP and on the Left. Always follow the money.

Mr. Trump will remove the government as much as possible from private enterprise. He has said he will deconstruct the Department of Education, a giant sucking sound of tax dollars and public employee unions in D.C. and across the country. He will rationalize government. Last time I checked, that was conservative.

On national security, I think Mr. Trump’s comments speak for themselves. He will control the border, something the GOP has refused to do. He will rebuild the military; last time I checked, a strong military was in the Republican platform. He will take good care of American national interests here and abroad. That is a conservative tenet.

Lastly, Mr. Trump understands economics and private markets. He will get us away from the Keynesian fairy dust and rainbows and back to sound economic principles. Mark my words, the economy under Mr. Trump is going to explode. Many more Blacks and Hispanics will be employed and be better off, much better off than under the pathetic Obama economy, or Hillary’s for that matter. Many detractors say Mr. Trump won’t bring minorities into the party. I can guarantee you if they have more money in their pockets, they will come running. What better way to have a big tent than to make the pie bigger?

The GOP preaches free trade. Here is a news flash — we are the only ones who practice free trade. Everyone else rips us off. The GOP has been all too ready to sign on the dotted line with Dr. Evil as he snickers in the background like Mike Myers. Like China says, sure, build your factory here, give us your technology, and we’ll give you access to our markets. Except they don’t.

I can envision the GOP Congress making Spanish the official language of America, all the while saying it will help attract Hispanics into the party. Their vision of how to grow the GOP is wrong. The answer is to not give away the store to attract more customers. The answer is to make the product so good they can’t resist.

Finally, many people say that Mr. Trump will say one thing and then do another. You mean like the GOP has been doing for the last three decades? Somehow, I think Mr. Trump will govern as promised. I think that is what has many special interests really scared. Frankly, I don’t care if Mr. Trump used to be a liberal. So was Ronald Reagan. I don’t care if he wants Trumpcare, whatever that is. I don’t care if he bashes Bush. I don’t care if he uses profanity. I don’t care if he has been married three times. I don’t care if he is from New York. I don’t care if his wife is gorgeous and speaks with an Eastern European accent. I don’t care if he has bad hair.

I care about having a country. So far, Mr. Trump is the only one who gets that.

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