- Monday, February 15, 2016

Every day I read letters that attack Donald Trump. Many of these missives are written by misguided Republicans, likley Democratic trolls or sincere but misinformed low-information voters. But this derision is an unnecessary diversion. We are on the verge of an economic meltdown, ethnic tensions are higher than they’ve been since the 1960s and we have a leader who refuses to acknowledge all of the existential threats facing us around the world.

We are desperately in need of a real American leader to guide the country through all these pitfalls before we crash. Enter Donald Trump. At some point voters are going to discover that all the other candidates, Democrat and Republican alike, are recruited, trained and financed by globalist interests that essentially own them lock, stock and barrel. That’s why nothing ever changes. No matter the poitical party, it’s been the same garbage, different day. The only way we will find our way out of this box is if we get a president who doesn’t have to go, hat in hand, to the powers that be for campaign financing.

I thank God that someone such as Donald Trump left his own comfort zone and business to lead us out of this mess. In fact, I believe Mr. Trump’s candidacy might be an example of divine intervention, our last chance before Judgment Day.

Laugh now if you want; none of us will be laughing if Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton or some other socialist gets into the Oval Office. A vote for Mr. Trump is a vote for America.


Paso Robles, Calif.

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