- Monday, February 15, 2016

SOUTH CAROLINA — New York businessman Donald Trump has turned his career in reality television into another reality show. This reality show is the American nightmare of his presidential candidacy. Mr. Trump has sucked the air out of the primary so that real conservatives, such as Ted Cruz, are having trouble getting their messages out.

But there is a serious question that needs to be asked about Donald Trump. Is he a liar or is he delusional?

Both could actually be true but it is a question voters in the Republican primaries need to ask.

On Saturday night, the Republicans had the latest food fight that passes for a political debate. Why the Republicans allowed a moderator who once advocated that Barack Obama “destroy” the Republican Party, is a mystery. Why didn’t they just let the chairman of the Democrat National Committee control the debate?

In that debate, Mr. Trump looked over at Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and said Mr. Cruz was the “single biggest liar” in the Republican field. He also accused former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush of lying.

Politics is a blood sport, as former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee warned. Mr.   Huckabee told people that if you wanted to be in politics, get used to the sight of blood. “Your own blood,” he warned.

During the debate, Donald Trump threw a childish temper tantrum. With all of the sophistication of a first grader fighting on the playground, Mr. Trump interrupted other candidates repeatedly and whined when he was interrupted.

And then he called Mr. “the single biggest liar” in the Republican field.

On Sunday, Mr. Trump appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” with Chuck Todd. When pushed about his claim that George W. Bush was a liar, Mr. Trump said, “I didn’t call him a liar. I didn’t call anybody a liar.”

Mr. Todd shot back with, “Well, you called Ted Cruz a liar.”

Twelve hours after the debate where he very specifically called Sen. Cruz a liar, Mr. Trump went full Obama, denying it ever happened. He lied about what he said and then he dared someone to call him out on it.

Now, after he was booed at the debate, Mr. Trump is now claiming that being booed by a Republican audience is a breach of the GOP agreement with him, not to act against his campaign. Sane Republicans need to start asking what planet Donald Trump is on?

Apparently in Mr. Trump’s mind, anything short of a complete coronation of the Donald as the Republican nominee, is the GOP reneging on their commitment.

Republicans need to understand that Donald Trump wants the nomination handed to him. He is offended that Mr. Cruz dares to hit him with negative ads. He is incensed that Jeb Bush does not worship at his feet.

Some commentators have compared Donald Trump to a first grade bully. That is a very accurate comparison. The thing most people learn is that a bully threatens but when you hit a bully back, they usually start whining.

Donald Trump is whining now. He has to resort to first-grade insults. Jeb Bush may not be right about anything else but he is right about The Donald trying to insult his way to the presidency.

Republicans need to ask themselves one serious question. Does the GOP really want someone who is a liar or delusional, or who is nothing more than elementary school bully, as the nominee of the Republican Party?

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