- Monday, February 1, 2016

Pundits have recently figured out that Donald Trump has tapped into the anger that the majority of Americans have toward the ruling class in both parties. They have also finally figured out that, as Victor Davis Hanson has pointed out, Americans find an emotional release in hearing a person express his anger on a national platform and across the media universe. Many people who have for so long felt voiceless feel that they are finally being heard.

However, the fanatical support for Mr. Trump is much more than that. What Mr. Trump represents to his most ardent supporters is a reckoning. Many folks don’t just want an emotional release, and they don’t just want to change how Washington operates. Rather they want to punish the establishment political class and they see Mr. Trump as the only one who will make this group pay for what it has done.

Unfortunately Mr. Trump has already signaled that he is more than willing to work and cut deals with the establishment politicians that his supporters despise. Sooner or later, those voters who find Mr. Trump as their champion will be in for a very rude awakening. Fortunately they won’t have to wait very long.


Co-founder, The Reagan League

Clovis, Calif.

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