- The Washington Times - Thursday, December 8, 2016

It is a miracle on 34th Street, perhaps. Macy’s will no longer donate money to Planned Parenthood according to 2ndVote, a conservative watchdog that monitors corporate funding of liberal causes. The famous department store group has dropped the role of benefactor to Planned Parenthood, the researchers report — their decision prompted by pro-life customers who complained about the practice. And Macy’s responded. Still, 36 other major retailers and businesses continue donating to the cause, including Ben & Jerry’s, Nike, American Express, Starbucks and Verizon. The complete list is here

“This Christmas, pro-lifers should consider shopping at Macy’s. Because, as it turns out, the giant chain listens to its conservative consumers,” notes Katie Yoder, an analyst with Newsbusters.com who also monitors corporate advocacy efforts, including this development.

“It’s unlikely that the liberal media — which boast strong ties to Planned Parenthood and have been instructed to cover for the abortion giant — will publicize Macy’s funding halt,” she adds.


“Conservatives often win elections because of the hysterical, overblown reaction their common-sense plans receive from the left. While voters may not totally be on board with, say, private Social Security savings accounts, they recognize that the theatrical flop taken by Democrats over the issue is a histrionic charade.”

— USA Today contributor Christian Schneider, pondering the outcome of the 2016 election.


Sen. Bill Cassidy has a two-word description for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi after she vowed to rally House Democrats to stop the President-elect Donald Trump’s appointment of Rep. Tom Price to head the Department of Health & Human Services,

“Toothless lioness,” the Louisiana Republican told Fox News Radio.

Mr. Cassidy also has a terse reminder for all Democrats concerned.

“The House has nothing to do with the Price appointment, nothing at all. So speaking of a toothless lioness, it is going to be the Senate that approves,” the lawmaker added.


“For the first time ever, luxury SUVs have outsold luxury cars thus far in 2016. The rise of the luxury SUV mirrors the surging popularity of utilities across the automotive market but has also shaken up the typically predictable luxury landscape,” notes a new market report from Edmunds.com, an auto consumer site that predicts these bodacious rides will account for 60 percent of the luxury market next year.

“Jaguar and Volvo are enjoying the most gains, thanks to the popularity of the F-Pace and XC90. Jaguar’s overall sales were up more than 81 percent, while Volvo’s overall sales rose almost 26 percent,” the report noted.


It is a standout in weekend programming: Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace has an exclusive interview with President-elect Donald Trump on Sunday, covering the Cabinet announcements, the first 100 days and inevitable media challenges. The network will also offer behind-the-scenes vignettes with Mr. Trump on the road, scenes from Trump Force One, and time with the Trump transition team. Check local listings for airtime.

Also of note: “Legends & Lies: The Patriots” — a historical series produced by prime time kingpin Bill O’Reilly — features “Forgotten Heroes” at 8 p.m. on Sunday. It highlights the very significant role of African American troops as “an essential component to victory” during the Revolutionary War.

These heroes are not forgotten, however. One private nonprofit group worked for three decades to secure a spot on the National Mall to honor the thousands of black patriots who volunteered to serve as soldiers and sailors. Congress authorized the National Liberty Monument in 2013. Find their story at LibertyFundDC.com


The National Border Patrol Council offered a steel-clad endorsement for President-elect Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign. Now the 18,000-member organization is weighing in on Mr. Trump’s choice of retired Marine Gen. John F. Kelly for Department of Homeland Security secretary.

“Although General Kelly does not have immigration experience, we recognize that he comes in with stellar credentials,” the group noted in a statement, adding “Our endorsement does come with expectations.”

They hope that “historic” problems related to morale, job satisfaction and trust in leadership will be fixed.

“General Kelly’s troops, by all accounts, loved him, which, bodes well for the morale issue within DHS, and he appears to be a no-nonsense rule of law general,” the border patrol officers note, advising, “General Kelly will have history on his side and if he comes in with a fresh approach — the non-establishment ’outside of the box thinking’ approach — and if he surrounds himself with the right people, we believe President-elect Trump’s administration will allow him to be successful.”


For sale: Federal colonial mansion built in 1803 on 14 acres near New Ipswich, New Hampshire. Seven bedrooms, five baths, formal living and dining rooms, office, great room, custom kitchen; 6,600 square feet. Dramatic mansard roof, original wood paneling and pine floors, eight fireplaces, completely renovated. Includes heated four-car garage, carriage house, 12-stall antique barn, historic log cabin, in-ground pool, spring-fed pond, riding ring. Priced at $995,000 through PetersonsRealEstate.com; find this home here


54 percent of Americans say a top priority for President-elect Donald Trump’s should be to “defeat ISIS.”

49 percent say his priority should be to lower taxes and simplify the tax code.

48 percent say he should address funding for improving infrastructure.

47 percent say Mr. Trump should “drain the swamp” and reduce government corruption.

31 percent say he should repeal or replace Obamacare; 21 percent cite building a border wall.

15 percent cite withdrawing from the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal; 14 percent cite canceling the Iran nuclear deal.

Source: An Investors Business Daily/TIPP poll of 902 U.S. adults conducted Nov. 28-Dec. 4.

Chitchat and arguments to jharper@washingtontimes.com.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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