- Wednesday, August 31, 2016

I am getting tired of all of the talking heads on TV telling Donald Trump what to do to bring up his poll numbers. If he needs to bring them up, then either the American people have been influenced to the point of stupidity or the polls are lying.

Mr. Trump is not going to hold a rally where their are paid Black Lives Matter anarchists waiting to start trouble. He is not going to change his style, language or political stance to influence this group or that. He is the man he is and no amount of political correctness is going to change someone’s vote. It was his refusal to be politically correct that drew me to him in the first place.

Mr. Trump is out there talking to everyone and holding press conferences almost daily. His every word is scrutinized and then twisted by the liberal media to make him look like a dangerous fool. This is the same old liberal media tactic they have been using since the 1930s.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, as of today has not held a press conference in 288 days. If you never open yourself up to scrutiny or explain the how or why of your actions, you can’t be held accountable. But with a liberal media throwing her softballs and refusing to question her about all the bodies she’s left in her wake and all the lives her policies have ruined, Mrs. Clinton has nothing to worry about.

Knowing all of this, if the American people still vote for Hillary and her socialist agenda, then we will righteously deserve every horror she and her Islamist buddies will visit upon us. They did not donate all of those hundreds of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation without some expectation of influence and action from her once she made it to the White House.

And it is our wives and daughters who will suffer because of it.


Paso Robles, Calif.

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