- Monday, August 29, 2016

The Republican Party cannot win the presidential election unless every single conservative leader, regional official, local politician, Trump-Pence surrogate, and Republcian voter take back social media — ASAP.

Democrats have always been masters of infiltrating, narrating and totally controlling most forms of print, video, radio and key opinion media sources, both locally and nationwide — especially on college campuses prior to election day. We all know by now that the massive Bill and Hillary Clinton co-presidential campaign has slowly achieved total political control of Twitter, Facebook, CNN and most major liberal media CEOs. This is how it has managed to hide negative Clinton stories while unfairly advancing negative Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump articles.

Republicans are simply not creating and dispersing enough articles, photographs or evidence over social media from the “Big Four” each day: The Washington Times, Fox News, Drudge Report and Breitbart. Yet it’s all right there for us to distribute exponentially. It’s time for conservatives to step it up online.

The Clintons have reportedly invested many millions of dollars into social-media news influencers. Given the short time between now and election day, the massive Clinton social-media strategy must be countered now, and by everyone — not just Republcian politicians. The only way to defeat the filthy Clintons and their Clinton-Foundation-funded media dominance is to step it up with more honest and frequent social-media dispersion, especially in all battleground states.

Given the recent Clinton-puppeteered tomfoolery at the FBI and Department of Justice, only a more educated Trump-Pence voter landslide will win. And it must be one so stunning that neither Bill nor Hillary (or even Chelsea) can manipulate, rig or cover it up.


Palm Beach, Fla.

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