- The Washington Times - Thursday, August 25, 2016

Sen. Lindsey Graham joined Donald Trump Thursday in calling for a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton’s time at the State Department.

“Everything she said publicly about the emails have proven to be false,” Mr. Graham, South Carolina Republican, told Fox News. “I think Mr. Trump has it right when he is calling for somebody outside the Justice Department to look into this matter.”

Mr. Graham, who has been a vocal critic of Mr. Trump, said, “If you are waiting on this Justice Department to hold anybody in the Obama-Clinton world accountable, you will die of old age, and that is so sad, but it is true.”

Pay-to-play accusations resurfaced this week after a batch of emails unearthed by Judicial Watch, a conservative public-interest law firm, showed Mrs. Clinton’s top aides during her tenure as secretary of state being begged to do special favors for the Clinton Foundation.

The Associated Press also reported this week that 85 of the 154 meetings Mrs. Clinton held with private official were with people who “gave money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation.”

The Clinton camp has said Mrs. Clinton has not done anything illegal.

Mr. Graham said Thursday that the questions deserve an outside look, and that the controversy could help Mr. Trump and GOP senators seeking re-election.

“This Clinton Global Fund thing is a gift from the political gods,” Mr. Graham said. “It just reeks of wrong. It reeks of insider benefits. It is the inside versus the outside, and Trump represents the outside — and Trump is in a pretty good spot if he can up his game to show that he has got the judgment, temperament and experience to be president of the United States.”

• Seth McLaughlin can be reached at smclaughlin@washingtontimes.com.

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