- Monday, August 22, 2016

The optimist sees the glass half full, the pessimist sees the glass half empty. George Soros sees the glass as the property of someone else so he knocks it over. By knocking it over he spills some of the dark secrets of his so-called Open Society Foundation, revealing how his vast fortune promotes misfortune in America. In addition to giving $33 million to Black Lives Matter, to be spent inflaming racial tension, Mr. Soros has funded Al Gore’s campaign to frighten everyone and promote the global-warming hoax. When the headlines cry curtains, the smart money figures there must be a Soros-sponsored doomsayer behind the curtain.

DC Leaks, a website that posts emails from global leaders who would rather no one see, has released documents showing that Mr. Gore pulled in $30 million over three years from the Open Society Foundation: “This budget item captures George Soros’s commitment of $10 million per year for three years to Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection, which conducts public education on the climate issue in pursuit of creating political space for aggressive U.S. action in line with what scientists say is necessary to put our nation on a path to reducing its outsize carbon dioxide emissions.”

Mr. Gore lost his race for the White House by a whisker in 2000, and like losers before him has never got over it. But he has made a profitable second career as a weatherman with only one forecast: Climate catastrophe ahead. His 2006 docudrama, “An Inconvenient Truth,” warned of dire threats to civilization from human-caused global warming, pointing to Hurricane Katrina as an example of what happens when humans anger nature. Inconveniently, despite steadily rising atmospheric carbon dioxide, no major hurricane has made landfall in the United States for 130 months.

Mr. Gore warned that rising temperatures are melting glaciers and the collapse of a major ice sheet in Antarctica could raise ocean levels by 20 feet, inundating coastal cities and causing tens of millions of climate refugees. In the 10 years since he made those wild predictions, coast dwellers everywhere still have dry feet. Warming in Antarctica ended around 1998 and temperatures have been falling since.

Further, analysis of ice core samples reveal the global climate was warmer 115,000 years ago and sea levels were 20 to 30 feet higher then than now. Oil was just the gooey stuff that the cave man’s missus told their children to wipe off their feet before tracking it into the grotto, and that was before their children’s children figured out how to use it to drive their SUVs.

Consequently, fears over the effects of climate change that Mr. Gore’s film heightened have since fallen, and fallen far. A recent YouGov poll found that only 9.2 percent of Americans considered global warming their greatest concern. In his pursuit of “political space for aggressive U.S. action,” Mr. Soros’ investment in Mr. Gore’s activities has not persuaded most Americans.

There’s more to changes in the climate than simplistic explanations that it’s all caused by greedy humans ravaging the planet to make a buck. In fact, fear-mongers like Messrs. Gore and Soros may be responsible for some energy deprivation. While they hector governments to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by swearing off fossil fuels, more than a billion people worldwide suffer for no access to electricity.

Hackers are the brigands of the 21st century, and like their counterparts in earlier ages, they humiliate the moneyed class by ambushing them and exposing vulnerabilities. That Al Gore feeds at the same Soros trough as Black Lives Matter betrays a common zest for alarmism that deprives Americans of faith in the future.

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