- The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 17, 2016

One by one, the #NeverTrumpers will fall, as they realize the only two people who have a shot at winning the White House are GOP nominee Donald Trump or his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

Brad Thor, who has been in the #NeverTrump camp since the beginning and is a respected conservative author, came to this realization on Tuesday, throwing his support behind Mr. Trump. It wasn’t a pretty endorsement, but it was an endorsement all the same.

“Yesterday, Dr. [Hugh] Hewitt tried (yet again) to help guide America to the best (and only) option available to us. I lost a lot of sleep last night reading and then re-reading his words. I awoke this morning with a more nuanced view. Drug #1 (Hillary Clinton) will kill us — no question. Drug #2 (Donald Trump) might kill us, but it also might: A) Slow the cancer, or even B) Cure the cancer,” Mr. Thor wrote in HotAir.com, a conservative site that is part of Townhall Media.

“It’s a lot to hope for, I know, but hope is all we have left. We have exhausted every other avenue. Make no mistake — I believe one hundred percent in standing on principle. Principle, in this case though, will not cure cancer. Sadly, that crappy clinic south of the border is starting to look like our only option,” he wrote.

Mr. Trump needs all the help he can get this campaign — including from the conservative elites. He needs to shore up the Republican base, who’s lack of support is dragging him down in polling, and conservative thought-leaders like Mr. Thor can help him do this.

On Tuesday, Mr. Trump proved his message is a winning one and his campaign team overhaul is a good sign. Moreover, a Clinton presidency would be a disaster for America — leading to a loss of the Supreme Court and at least another four years under a progressive regime, which has lead to economic stagnation, the rise of the Islamic State terror group, and a furthering divide in racial relations.

Mr. Trump may be a wild card, but we know what a Clinton presidency would look like, and it’s unacceptable.

Welcome back, Mr. Thor.

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