- Tuesday, August 16, 2016

I certainly hope the 50 so-called security “experts” who signed a recent anti-Trump letter, as well any other Republicans who refuse to support Donald Trump for the presidency, are labeled what they are — RHINOS — and issued their marching orders from the party forthwith (“Anti-Trump letter reveals jittery band of GOP establishment power brokers,” Aug. 14). I agree totally with Mr. Trump that these are the people who participated in and contributed to the total mess now existing in the Middle East.

The Bush administration and many of these dodgy experts agreed with and supported the war in Iraq even though Saddam Hussein was a bulwark against the Iranians. That was certainly the reason President George H.W. Bush stopped Operation Desert Storm when he did. He knew that if he overthrew Hussein, the vacuum created would result in chaos throughout the region.

Then the current administration brought down Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, which resulted in the Muslim Brotherhood’s rise to power. The administration failed to enforce its “red line” when Syrian President Bashar Assad called its bluff. Further contributing to this disaster, President Obama allowed Hillary Clinton to depose Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi even though Gadhafi had been working with the United States against terrorism and had ended his weapons of mass destruction programs.

The current disaster in that part of the world is the result of various U.S. administrations listening to the advice and counsel of their “experts.” Like them or not, Hussein, Mubarak, Assad and Gadhafi were the glue that held the Middle East together. When I hear that 15 consultants/lobbyists, four investors, eight lawyers, 14 think tank analysts and nine professors were involved in this letter against Mr. Trump, my decision to vote for the man is reinforced. The fact that most of these people are queuing up at the government trough to make their living is yet another indicator of why we need to throw the rascals out.


Ashburn, Va.

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