- Sunday, August 14, 2016

There is an urgency facing this nation: Donald Trump is the Republican presidential nominee, but certain Republican leaders have failed to step up to the plate and address Mr. Trump and his followers. Republican leaders such as Sen. John McCain and House Speaker Paul Ryan are putting their love of power before country. And it’s a shame, considering that they both clearly love America.

While a prisoner of war in Vietnam, hero and great American Mr. McCain was offered the option of going home and leaving his fellow prisoners behind, yet he declined. Where is that Mr. McCain now? Mr. Ryan showed some grit when he stated that he was not ready to endorse Mr. Trump. Why did he put power before country by eventually endorsing Mr. Trump anyway?

It is no secret that many followers of Mr. Trump are as dangerous as he is. It is my opinion that many of them have been indoctrinated or just plain misled by hate radio. The moment and time is here for all Republican leaders to go beyond power and do the right thing for America and denounce Donald Trump by enlightening his followers.


Hyannis, Mass.

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