- The Washington Times - Thursday, August 11, 2016

Fox News’ Sean Hannity enlisted the help of radio host Laura Ingraham on Wednesday night to chide “immoral” Republican and conservative voters who refuse to back Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

Mr. Hannity said it was time to “name names” during his show before blasting the “stupid games” of the #NeverTrump movement’s advocates: Texas Sen. Ted Cruz; Sen. Susan Collins of Maine; Sen Ben Sasse of Nebraska; conservative commentator Bill Kristol; former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, and many others.

The Fox News host then asked Ms. Ingraham if #NeverTrump was “sabotaging” Mr. Trump’s campaign.

“I would make the argument, I think very persuasively as well, Sean, that if you call yourself a conservative and a Republican it’s actually immoral not to vote for Donald Trump — if only for the reason of the Supreme Court,” Ms. Ingraham said, Mediaite reported. “The Supreme Court will outlive us. This generation of jurists and its effect on our lives, our daily lives, our children, our grandchildren, will well outlive this generation. And so they’re willing to sacrifice all of that so they can have some ’see, I told you so’ moment from the sidelines. I mean, that’s so selfish.”

Mr. Hannity has been in an ongoing feud with #NeverTrump supporters since the billionaire won the Republican Party’s presidential primary. The vitriol was heightened over the past week during a public feud with the Wall Street Journal’s Brett Stephens.

“Mr. Hannity’s tantrum obscures the uglier side of what he is trying to do, which is to paint targets on the GOP’s genuine Reaganites — pro-trade, pro-immigration, pro-NATO, pro-entitlement reform — and replace them with the Party of Trump — anti-all of the above — no matter what happens to the candidate come November,” the author wrote in an op-ed published Monday.

The conservative website Hotair also weighed in on Wednesday, with writer Allahpundit asking, “Who’s ultimately responsible for a Clinton victory? The guy [Sean Hannity] who cheerily backed a nationalist authoritarian saddled with a 35/60 favorable rating since last summer, or the guy who decides, ’If there’s no real conservative on the ticket, I’d rather not vote at all’?”

“If Trump comes all the way back to win, is Hannity on the hook for everything he does as president the way #NeverTrumpers will supposedly bear the sins of Hillary Clinton? Or is he off scot-free because Republicans are supposed to vote for anything with an (R) after its name that’s put in front of them? If Trump starts ignoring federal law to implement his policies, if he starts issuing illegal orders to the military, if he s—-s the bed on his Supreme Court appointments and doesn’t deliver the wall his fans are expecting, is that Sean Hannity’s fault for trusting him or are only anti-Trumpers to blame for bad policy outcomes? You know what the answer is.”

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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