- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Donald Trump’s presidential ambitions may have hit a snag in Wisconsin, but he’s poised to win New York, where voters don’t care about the businessman’s waffling positions on abortion or the fact he’d like to replace U.S. military forces in Asia with nuclear weapons.

Fifty-seven percent of New York Republicans say Mr. Trump’s statements on abortion and his nuclear policy will have “no impact” on their vote, according to a Monmouth University poll released Wednesday. Twenty-nine percent said Mr. Trump’s statements would make them “less likely” to cast their ballot for him and only 7 percent said more so.

New Yorkers also said they have made up their mind on who they’re choosing, with only 14 percent undecided. In the poll, Mr. Trump surged to a new high of 52 percent support, putting him beyond the threshold needed to capture all of New York’s 95 delegates. That would erase Ted Cruz’s 36-delegate gain by winning the Badger State.

Mr. Cruz has attacked Mr. Trump for his “New York values” trying to tie him to liberal politicians in the state. That line of reasoning may have resonated in Wisconsin, Idaho and Texas, but it seems to be backfiring in the Empire State, where Mr. Trump’s outsider allure seems to be outweighing conservative ideology.

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