- The Washington Times - Monday, April 4, 2016

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has never supported a $15 minimum wage — instead advocating for a $12 increase — however, that didn’t stop her from being at New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s side when he signed his state’s $15 minimum wage into law.

The progressive Daily Kos website called her out for what they viewed as a highly political move — capitalizing on a movement she had nothing to do with.

“Fight for $15 is arguably the greatest union victory in decades, perhaps even the greatest victory of the progressive movement in recent history,” Mark Provost wrote on Monday. “One of those victories came eight months ago, when the Democratic Party adopted a $15/hour minimum wage in the official party platform, weeks after Bernie Sanders introduced legislation in Congress.

“By contrast, Hillary Clinton is the only prominent Democrat who refused to endorse $15/hour,” he said. “Bernie Sanders won’t remind people of this, so I will: He was in the streets with fast-food workers every time. There’s photos of him marching with workers in the pouring [expletive] rain, and he’s the one who pushed Democrats to adopt it. Yet, Hillary Clinton will be on the stage tomorrow for the victory moment.”

Mr. Cuomo has long ties with the former New York senator, as does his powerful family. Former President Bill Clinton gave Mr. Cuomo his first big break in politics, electing him as secretary of Housing and Urban Development in 1997. Mr. Cuomo, who has done many things to position himself for a White House run, decided not to pursue the ticket in 2016, many say out of loyalty to the Clinton family.

Although he wasn’t on the signing stage, Mr. Sanders did take a shot at Mrs. Clinton on Monday, saying it wasn’t so long ago many viewed the idea of a $15 minimum wage as “pie-in-the-sky” and now both California and New York have adopted the initiative.

“I’m proud that today two of our largest states will be increasing the minimum wage to a living wage of $15 an hour — raising the wages of some 9 million workers in this country,” the senator from Vermont said in a statement Monday.

“Not too long ago, the establishment told us that a $15 minimum wage was unrealistic. Some thought it was ’pie-in-the-sky.’ But a grassroots movement led by millions of working people refused to take ’no’ for an answer,” he said. “Loudly and clearly workers said, ’Yes we can increase the minimum wage, not just to $10.10 an hour, not just to $12 an hour, but to a living wage of $15 an hour.’ “

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