- Monday, April 25, 2016

President Obama warns that were the United Kingdom to leave the European Union (“Brexit”) our special relationship would be undermined and international order destabilized (“Obama warns British over leaving European Union,’ Web, April 22). But this assumes that continuity of foreign policy is the default option. Dare one mention Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya?

The West has also long ignored Saudi Arabia’s promotion of Wahhabism and its playing of the destructive sectarian card against ’apostate’ Shiites. Then there is Bahrain. It represses its majority-Shiite citizenry and hosts the U.S. Navy 5th Fleet. A Royal Navy base is under construction.

Worse still, our desert kingdom ally Saudi Arabia, together with NATO member Turkey, was allowed to facilitate the emergence of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. The West bizarrely gave priority to toppling Syria’s secular regime. The Saudis have now embarked upon a war of aggression against Yemen’s Shiite Houthis. We diplomatically approve and supply munitions. The resulting turmoil has enabled the sworn enemies of the Houthis, al-Qaeda and the Islamic State, to consolidate their foothold in Yemen.

As for Ukraine, the West’s unwillingness to acknowledge that it was a classic example of a young state that didn’t naturally command the allegiance of all its peoples has contributed to it becoming a failed state. EU taxpayers will be dragooned into rescuing Ukraine’s economy.

Nothing less than a complete overhaul of Western foreign policy will do. Brexit would kick-start the process.


Dorset, England

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