- Friday, April 22, 2016

Conservatives have warned for the last ten months that Donald Trump, the bombastic New York billionaire, was no conservative. Looking at the positions Mr. Trump has taken over his lifetime, it is impossible to call him a conservative.

The good news with Donald Trump is, if you don’t like his position, just wait a few hours. He will change. Everyone remembers the three-day period when Trump took five different positions on abortion.

Now Trump is moving left. He was the guy who said he could be anything he wanted to be. Newsflash to the conservatives who supported Trump: You’ve been punked.

Donald Trump loves to claim he is not politically correct. But on Thursday, he took the extremely politically correct position of supporting the right of men to go into the women’s restroom. Sane people realize this is an assault on women. Women and little girls have the right to go to the restroom or to the shower, without a grown man going in there while they are changing, showering or doing other things.

This is a fundamental right of privacy the left is making war on and Donald Trump is just fine with some forty-year-old man walking into the women’s room while little girls are changing their clothes.

Most of Trump’s supporters are pro-life. Trump has been pro-abortion most of his life and he did not even wait to tie up the nomination before moving left. Trump, who has praised Planned Parenthood, now wants to water down the GOP’s pro-life platform. Planned Parenthood has the sign, “Tens of millions babies aborted,” above their facilities and Trump thinks they are a fine organization.

Trump is now embracing his inner Bernie Sanders. Trump recently criticized Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker for not raising taxes in his state. Trump claimed Governor Walker had a $2.2 billion dollar deficit in his state and then slammed him for not raising taxes. And Trump has been out on the campaign trail for months talking about raising taxes on the wealthy. This is really nothing new. In 1991, Donald Trump was an expert witness for the Democrats in Congressional hearings, where he blasted Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts.

Any conservative still thinking about voting for Trump needs to be asked the famous question from Dirty Harry. “Do you feel lucky today? Well do you?” Do you feel lucky that by voting for Donald Trump, despite all evidence to the contrary, Trump will govern as a conservative?

There is a message here. Donald Trump is not a conservative and he has reached the point where he believes he no longer needs conservatives. Does he really think conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly would continue to support him when he supports the rights of men to go into women’s bathrooms and wants to water down the Republican Party’s traditional pro-life stance?

He doesn’t care.

Does he really believe millions of conservatives who he has snookered will continue to support him if moves left on all of these issues? Trump doesn’t care.

In 2012, Mitt Romney’s campaign had the famous “etch-a-sketch” moment when Romney’s campaign manager compared the primary to an “etch-a-sketch,” where they could just shake it, wipe out what was done in the primary and move to the general.

In 2016, it is the “I can be anything I want to be” moment. Trump claimed he was a conservative when it suited him. He’s now turned left. He is dumping the grassroots activists he duped in favor of GOP insiders and Washington lobbyists.

So there is really only one question to ask Trump supporters: “Do you feel punked yet? Well, do you?”

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