- Thursday, April 21, 2016

I must defend Sen. Ted Cruz and his recent comment about “New York values” (“Ted Cruz: ’New York values’ on display when NYPD officers turned backs on Bill de Blasio,” Web, April 18). I am a born-and-bred New Yorker from Queens, and am well aware of the New York values to which Cruz referred. Those values include failing public schools run by entrenched teachers’ unions, massive public debt that drives productive taxpayers out, political corruption that is rife from Albany to Buffalo to Manhattan, social polices that aid in the destruction of the family unit, the prevalent public role given to race hucksters such as the Rev. Al Sharpton, and a welfare system that discourages work and self-reliance.

Those are just a few of the New York values Cruz was highlighting and demeaning. Incidentally, I left those values behind 34 years ago, and have lived happily with Virginia values ever since. Ted Cruz should not be pilloried for speaking the truth.



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