- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Despite calling for a “big, beautiful” wall at the Southern border (which Mexico will pay for), the deportation of all illegal immigrants, and labeling some Mexicans rapists and drug dealers, businessman Donald Trump won more than half of the GOP Hispanic vote in New York City, according to exit polls.

Mr. Trump won the Soundview, Castle Hill area in the Bronx with 100 percent of the vote, according to the New York Times vote tracker. That area has a relatively diverse population, primarily consisting of blacks and Latin Americans. In the Jackson Heights, Queens, area where many Hispanics reside, Mr. Trump won precincts ranging from 41 percent of the vote, to 87 percent of the vote, with most precincts clocking in above 60 percent for Mr. Trump.

All told, in areas with at least a 50 percent Hispanic population, Mr. Trump won 61 percent of the vote within the city, according to the New York Times vote tracker. It’s an unexpected victory to many political pundits and establishment Republicans who were sure, Mr. Trump would repeal the Hispanic vote through his bombastic statements and immigration plan.

Although Mr. Trump won the Hispanic vote in Nevada, the win was largely written off because the numbers were so small. Then, whatever narrative did exist, was overridden by his loses of the Hispanic and Latino vote in both Florida and Texas. Mr. Trump lost both states to Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, respectively, both of whom are Cuban-American.

So perhaps it was those states that were the outliers.

But the poll numbers don’t look good.

SEE ALSO: Donald Trump wins New York primary, demolishes Cruz, Kasich

According to the most recent Gallup poll taken in March, 77 percent of Hispanics view Mr. Trump unfavorably, and as he has become better known to the community, he’s become more disliked.

That’s not good news, especially when Mr. Trump will be running against Hillary Clinton, who is generally favored in the community. In that same Gallup poll, Republican Hispanics said they most preferred Mr. Rubio as their candidate, then Mr. Cruz, then Ohio Gov. John Kasich, and then both Democrats, before Mr. Trump.

What’s interesting in the numbers, is if the Gallup poll were accurate, Mr. Trump should’ve lost the New York City Hispanic vote to either Mr. Cruz or Mr. Kasich, but he didn’t — he won their precincts overwhelmingly.

New York is Mr. Trump’s home state, and Mr. Cruz’s “New York values” comment could’ve hurt him worse than anyone predicted. But it’s still interesting Mr. Trump pulled out a win with this demographic, and it might mean — despite what the polls are saying and most in the political and punditry class — that he’s not doomed in the general.

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