- Thursday, April 14, 2016

Once again the politicians are singing the siren song of “raise the minimum wage.” To poorly educated workers who are earning minimum wage, it sounds like the answer to their prayers. But it won’t elevate these individuals economically and the politicians know it.

Wealthy people do not earn wages. They are are salaried, are executives, are owners of a business or are investors, etc. Those who earn wages (hourly pay) are at some point along the wage scale. The wage scale is like a ladder. Those earning minimum wages are on the bottom rung of the ladder. When the bottom rung is raised to pay minimum-wage earners more, the entire ladder moves up proportionately. Those on the bottom will still be earning minimum wages. This is a simple concept, but apparently a lot of people don’t understand it. The politicians know it, but they are attracting voters who don’t.

The only way minimum-wage earners can rise economically is to get a better job or work longer hours. Kids today come out of high school with no knowledge of English, math, science, history or even how to hold a pen and write longhand. Many of them are lacking in morals and have little or no work ethic. They find themselves standing on a corner wondering why no one wants to hire them at a decent wage. Add a few visible tattoos and metal studs through their noses and lips, and you have someone who is likely doomed to be a minimum-wage earner for life.

The politicians know all of this but they really don’t care. They want votes so they can get into office and begin raking in real money. You can bet they and theirs aren’t earning minimum wage.


Ijamsville, Md.

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