- Tuesday, April 12, 2016

There are two reasons why Republican senators don’t officially endorse (or at least publicly support) Ted Cruz for president (“Cruz’s winning ways have yet to win over fellow GOP senators,” Web, April 7). The first is Mr. Cruz’s brilliance, and the second is his backbone.

Not one of Mr. Cruz’s colleagues could debate him on any issue and still command the respect of his or her constituents. With very few exceptions, they fear Mr. Cruz’s intelligence and perseverance. He isn’t cowed by wishy-washy Republican leadership. Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, once called Mr. Cruz a “wacko bird” on the floor of the Senate. We all remember Mr. McCain’s failed run at the presidency, don’t we?

Donald Trump, meanwhile, doesn’t dare debate Mr. Cruz one-on-one. Mr. Trump and his people know thatMr. Cruz would obliterate the the Donald’s bluster and braggadocio with facts.

There is nothing more dangerous to a politician than another politician with conviction and brains. Instead of celebrating these traits, politicians shrink into the shadows, nursing their flaky characters and ever-changing political positions.



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