- Thursday, September 24, 2015

(1) Detroit Lions’ Carey: Black lives matter, even those in the womb

***The argument is familiar (we even talked about it a few days ago). But it isn’t usually getting written by NFL defensive backs. 

“According to a study by the New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, more African-American babies were aborted (31,328) in New York than were born (24,758) there in 2012. Needless to say, this number is severely repulsive. Yet, we’ve heard nothing from those within the camp of Black Lives Matter on the subject. It seems that we have Matthew 7 dilemma. That is, we are so focused on the speck in eyes of others that we are ignoring the plank within our own. We are so focused on the injustices done by a few wayward police officers that we ignore the blatant disregard for life within our own culture.”

“I truly want this movement to flourish. I can easily see the Black Lives Matter movement being the catalyst behind moral and cultural change within the African-American community. However, I fear this will never happen unless those within this movement begin to embrace the totality of its name. Yes “black” lives matter. This also includes those still within the womb. Those who seek change must first be proponents of that change or else those on the outside looking in will ultimately view them as hypocrites.”


(2) In Search of the Francis Effect, by Ross Douthat (New York Times)  

***Douthat argues that two years into the era of Pope Francis is not sufficient to gauge anything accurately. 

“But while I have sympathies with this anxiety, the reality is that judging a pope’s impact, for good or ill, based on two years of mass attendance is probably a fool’s game.And not only because pontiffs don’t have the kind of power, period, over Catholic life that media coverage and their celebrity statuswould suggest; even to the extent that they do have an effect on how the faith is lived, it plays out through a long-term cascade of appointments and personnel decisions, intellectual/theological influence, and generational reactions. So if there is or is going to be a Francis effect, any short term trend (again, positive or negative) is highly unlikely to capture its valence; what matters is what the people who find him inspiring (or disillusioning) are doing and how the places where he leaves fingerprints look ten or twenty or thirty years from now.”


(3) Call It What It Is: Genocide (Washington Times)

Like former Congressman Frank Wolf and others said earlier, columnist Ann Corkery says what is happening in the Middle East should surely be labeled “genocide.”

“It is widely expected that during this week’s visit to the United States, Pope Francis will say what is already clear to the rest of the world, but which too many other leaders are afraid to say themselves: The systematic persecution and murder of Christians, Yezidis, Muslims and other minority groups constitutes genocide.”


(4) by Senator Bernie SandersWe Must End For-Profit Prisons (Huffington Post)

“It’s wrong to profit from the imprisonment of human beings and the suffering of their friends and families. It’s time to end this morally repugnant practice, and along with it, the era of mass incarceration.”


(5) A Secret Muslim President?, by Stephen Prothero (USA Today)

…and What’s Wrong with a Muslim President?, by Clarence Page (Chicago Tribune)


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