- The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says he is the only 2016 GOP contender for president who has a real plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, now that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has dropped out.

Mr. Walker had been one of the few Republican hopefuls to outline a comprehensive plan to replace the health care law with GOP-preferred reforms, unveiling in August and system of refundable tax credits, an overhaul of Medicaid and other reforms, while calling out his own party leaders in Congress for failing to overturn the law.

Around the same time, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida also laid out a plan that involves refundable tax credits, allowing people to purchase insurance across state lines, and moving Medicaid into a per-capita block grant system.

Mr. Jindal unveiled a replacement back in 2014. His campaign, which criticized Mr. Walker’s plan from the start, now insists that they’re the only ones offering a full and legitimate plan.

“Governor Jindal was the first presidential candidate to release a detailed plan to repeal Obamacare — and he remains the only one,” Jindal campaign spokeswoman Shannon Dirmann said late Monday. “His plan repeals all of Obamacare and does not replace it with a new federal entitlement program, as Scott Walker’s did.”

“Instead, it replaces Obamacare with a common sense plan that reduces health costs for Americans and stops DC bureaucrats from getting in the way of patients and their doctors — and Gov. Jindal will begin implementing it on day one,” she said.

• Tom Howell Jr. can be reached at thowell@washingtontimes.com.

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