- Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Russian President Vladimir Putin long ago took the measure of President Obama and found him wanting — in knowledge of global affairs, comprehension of human nature, appreciation of world history and backbone. What he found was a president ready to make excuses for his own inaction in the face of global bullies, someone who rushed to mollify adversaries instead of confronting them. Abhorring a power vacuum as much as the next tyrant, Mr. Putin marched his troops into Crimea, eastern Ukraine and now Syria, joining Iran, the Islamic State and China in carving out new spheres of control.

The Obama strategy of hand-wringing while erasing red lines has come a cropper, but there is no one within the administration who will tell the president that he is naked and exposed. Our president seems unable to learn from events, unable to admit error and unable to compete in the world of hard knocks. He has accomplished one hitherto impossible task, however; he has united Egypt and Saudi Arabia with Israel in opposition to his strategy.



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